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Dr. Phares Book, PSY
Psychology•Male•Age 50
Dr. Phares Book, PSY is a psychologist in Caldwell, ID. He is accepting new patients and telehealth appointments.
1815 S 10th Ave Caldwell, ID 83605Make an Appointment
(208) 459-6962Accepting new patients
Care Philosophy
"As a therapist, I support evidence-based practice and integrate multiple theories of talk therapy into my therapy style. I work actively with patients to identify the most important factors that are contributing to..."
- Dr. Phares Book, PSY
At a Glance
- Offers TelehealthThis provider offers telehealth appointments. Call the office to schedule an appointment.
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Dr. Book's Reviews
Likelihood to recommend Dr. Book
22 ratings, 6 with a written review
5 Star | 55% | 55% |
4 Star | 5% | 5% |
3 Star | 0% | 0% |
2 Star | 5% | 5% |
1 Star | 36% | 36% |
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How was your experience with Dr. Book?Overall Patient Satisfaction
Likelihood of recommending Dr. Book to family and friends is 3.3636363 out of 5
About Me
care philosophy
As a therapist, I support evidence-based practice and integrate multiple theories of talk therapy into my therapy style. I work actively with patients to identify the most important factors that are contributing to the current problem and morePsychology
Clinical Psychology
Pacific University
Undergraduate School, 2003
Focus on Schizophrenia
Office1815 S 10th Ave Caldwell, ID 83605
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