5697 Results forPhysical Therapists in Maryland

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Learn more about Physical Therapists and how to choose the right one for you

A physical therapist (PT) specializes in improving and restoring mobility, movement, strength, flexibility, balance and coordination in people of all ages. A PT evaluates and treats injuries and movement problems with exercises and other physical methods. PTs can often help people avoid surgery, as well as prevent and minimize pain, loss of function, and disability.

A PT typically: 

  • Reviews and evaluates a patient’s medical history and his or her mobility and physical functioning

  • Tests and measures balance, coordination, strength, range of motion, posture muscle performance, respiration, and motor function

  • Diagnoses movement dysfunctions

  • Works with patients to develop an individualized treatment plan based on their medical history, lifestyle, personal needs, and fitness and mobility goals

  • Prescribes exercises and other physical treatment techniques

  • Evaluates treatment progress and makes adjustments to the plan as needed

  • Educates patients about home techniques to optimize mobility, strength, and overall fitness

  • Consults and collaborates with a patient’s entire medical and rehabilitation team

There are 5697 specialists practicing Physical Therapy in Maryland with an overall average rating of 4.6 stars. There are 45 hospitals in Maryland with affiliated Physical Therapy specialists, including Luminis Health Anne Arundel Medical Center, University of MD Upper Chesapeake Medical Center and MedStar Georgetown University Hospital.

Frequently Asked Questions

How can I find a top-rated Physical Therapist in MD?
Healthgrades gives you the tools and information you need to find high-quality care, including top-rated Physical Therapists in MD. You can filter your search results to a specific Rating threshold, or go to “Top Rated” to quickly view Physical Therapists with our highest patient ratings.Every Healthgrades profile includes information about the factors that matter most when choosing care, including a Physical Therapist's education, board certification, and experience. You can even see which specific conditions a doctor treats most often.Healthgrades also spotlights high-quality healthcare professionals by identifying them as “Healthgrades Choice.” This badge indicates that a physician has above average experience, good patient ratings, no healthcare sanctions, and affiliations with quality hospitals.Finally, you can read reviews and ratings from verified patients about their experiences with a doctor.Together, all of these factors provide a comprehensive picture of Physical Therapists in MD so you can make an informed, confident decision about the care you receive.
How can I share my experience after visiting a Physical Therapist through Healthgrades?
Patient ratings and reviews are an important tool in helping other people like yourself make informed healthcare choices. If you read patient reviews as part of your decision-making process, you can pay it forward by sharing your own experience with a Physical Therapist.After your visit, you can visit your Physical Therapist's profile and go to “Leave a Review.” From here you will be required to provide a star rating from 1 to 5 to reflect how likely you are to recommend that doctor. You can also leave an optional text review about your experience.You will be required to submit your email address so Healthgrades can confirm your review, and you must verify that you received treatment from the physician and agree to Healthgrades terms and conditions.
How can I find a Physical Therapist in MD who speaks a specific language other than English?
Finding a Physical Therapist in MD with whom you can communicate effectively is an essential part of finding quality care. You can go to “All Filters” on your Healthgrades search results and scroll to “Language.” From there, you narrow your search to physicians who speak your selected language(s).Healthgrades lets you filter by more than 100 languages, including Spanish, Chinese, Arabic, Hindu, Urdu, Tagalog, and American Sign Language.
How can I find Physical Therapists within a specific distance from my location?
Go to “Distance” on your Healthgrades search results page and select the distance range you would be willing to travel for your visit, such as 1 mile, 5 miles, 10 miles, 25 miles, 50 miles, 100 miles, or nationwide.You can also go to “Top Rated” to quickly view a list of 4-star and above-rated Physical Therapists within 10 miles of your selected location.Keep in mind: The right specialist for you may not be among the ones closest to you, and it may be worth expanding your search to find the highest-quality care.
How can I search for Physical Therapists in MD specializing in a specific sub-specialty or niche area?
After your initial specialty search, Healthgrades allows you to narrow your search to specific conditions or practicing areas within that specialty.On your Healthgrades search results page, go to “Practice Area.” From here you can select specific conditions or subspecialties that more directly reflect the type of care you need.
How can I find Physical Therapists in MD with availability that aligns with my schedule?
You can filter your Healthgrades search results based on appointment availability, including options such as same-day, tomorrow, or within 2 weeks. Under “All Filters,” scroll to “Availability” and select the appointment timeframe you need.You can also contact a Physical Therapist's office directly to ask about appointment availability, including same-day availability or unexpected cancellations that may have opened up new appointments in your desired timeframe.
How can I locate Physical Therapists in MD affiliated with a specific facility or hospital?
Finding a Physical Therapist in MD with affiliations at high-quality hospitals is a key factor in a successful treatment outcome. Healthgrades lets you filter your search to doctors who have admitting privileges at the hospital(s) you prefer.Go to “All Filters” on your Healthgrades search results, then scroll to “Affiliated Facility.” From here you can select one or more preferred hospitals to narrow your search to specialists with affiliations at those facilities.
How can I find Physical Therapists in MD who offer LGBTQ+ affirming care on Healthgrades?
Finding a Physical Therapist in MD who affirms your identity is an essential part of a successful healthcare partnership. For people who identify as LGBTQ+, you can filter your Healthgrades search results to physicians who designate themselves as LGBTQ+ affirming.Go to “All Filters” in your search results, then scroll down and select “LGBTQ+ affirming.”
Is it possible to filter Physical Therapists in MD based on their age on Healthgrades?
Some people feel more comfortable seeing a Physical Therapist in a specific age range. You can filter your Healthgrades search results by going to “All Filters,” and then scrolling down to “Healthcare Professional’s Age.” From here, you can select age ranges from under 40, 41-50, 51-60, 61-70, or over 70 years old.
How can I use the 'Background Check' feature to verify if a Physical Therapist has any malpractice claims in MD?
All Healthgrades profiles include a medical license public record check, which tells you about any previous malpractice claims a Physical Therapist has on record in MD.
How do Physical Therapists in MD stay updated on the latest advancements and treatments in cardiovascular medicine?
Physical Therapists have a variety of ways they stay current on the latest treatments and research within their specialty. These include subscribing to medical journals that publish peer-reviewed studies, attending in-person seminars or online webinars, or earning Continuing Medical Education (CME) credits to maintain their medical license.During your appointment, ask your doctor or other healthcare professional about the ways they stay up-to-date about new treatments and how their learnings may affect your treatment options.
How do Physical Therapists in MD collaborate with other healthcare providers to ensure comprehensive patient care?
Depending on your diagnosis and treatment plan, you may have a team of healthcare professionals working together to provide quality care.In addition to your primary care physician and Physical Therapist, you may consult with other specialists, physical therapists, speech therapists, nutritionists, psychologists, physician's assistants, and nurses, among many others. Together, your care team can address all facets of your care and collaborate on the most effective treatment plan for you.
How do Physical Therapists in MD personalize treatment plans to meet the unique needs of each patient?
Your Physical Therapist in MD will determine your individual treatment plan based on factors including your medical history, family history, lifestyle, cultural considerations, and personal preferences. Through honest communication, you and your doctor can work together to build a treatment plan that is tailored to you.
How do Physical Therapists in MD approach holistic care, considering factors beyond just medical treatment?
In additional to your medical care, you may wish for your treatment plan to include complementary therapies that serve your physical, emotional, and spiritual well-being. These may include wellness practices such as acupuncture, massage, or yoga. You may seek mental health support through counselors, psychologists, and support groups. You might also find comfort in spiritual support from faith leaders and communities. Talk with your specialist about the types of therapies that will provide holistic benefits, and ask about any precautions to take to avoid potential interactions with your medical treatment.
How do Physical Therapists in MD prioritize patient safety and infection control measures in their practice?
Patient safety, including prevention of healthcare-associated infections, is a priority of all healthcare professionals. Both within physician practices and in hospital settings, team members take precautions to protect patients' health and safety during their care. This includes thorough handwashing, sterilization of equipment, and routine cleaning of rooms and facilities.The quality ratings of a physician's associated hospitals can also indicate a hospital's record for patient safety. A hospital with fewer healthcare-associated infections is likely to have better procedure outcomes, which will be reflected in higher quality ratings.
What resources are available to support patients in navigating insurance coverage and financial assistance with Physical Therapists in MD?
Your Physical Therapist's office can provide information about financial assistance, which may be referred to as charity care. Some doctor's offices also offer payment plans that allow you to pay your bill over a certain period of time.If you need to receive care at a hospital, you may qualify for financial assistance through that hospital. If you receive care at a nonprofilt hospital, you must be offered financial assistance if you cannot afford to pay. If you participate in a government program, such as Medicaid or Medicare, those programs' websites can offer guidance about coverage for the care you need.Your hospital may also have a patient advocate on staff who can help guide you through your coverage or your financial assistance options. You can also find a your own guide through the Patient Advocate Foundation.
How do Physical Therapists in MD contribute to ongoing medical research and advancements in their field?
In addition to offering clincal care, many Physical Therapists work outside of their practice in a variety of areas, including research, clinical trials, academic collaborations, or professional organizations. Through this work, Physical Therapists can share their own research, learn about treatment advances, and bring innovative new therapies to their practices.
How do Physical Therapists in MD accommodate patients with disabilities or special needs in their practice?
All patients have a right to accessible and equitable care, including those with disabilities or special needs. Healthcare facilities must adhere to the Americans with Disabilities Act (ADA) and offer a range of accommodations to ensure accessibility. These may include structural features, such as ramps or wide entrances; language services, such as translators or sign language interpreters; accessible signage for people with impaired vision; or exam rooms and medical equipment that can be used by people with mobility aids.
What measures do Physical Therapists in MD take to ensure patient privacy and confidentiality in their practice?
Patient data protection and privacy rights are a top priority for all healthcare practices. The Health Insurance Portability and Accountability Act (HIPAA) requires healthcare professionals to follow established safeguards to protect private health information and imposes penalties for those who violate privacy rights. HIPAA also allows patients to understand exactly how their health information is used and decide with whom it may be shared.Healthcare systems also have rigorous digital security protocols to protect electronic health records, and any staff members with access to health information receive training on privacy practices to maintain patient trust and confidentiality.