238 Results forOphthalmologists near Lawndale, CA

Learn more about Ophthalmologists and how to choose the right one for you

An optometrist is a healthcare provider who specializes in routine and preventive eye and vision care. Optometrists diagnose vision abnormalities and prescribe eyeglasses and contacts. They detect and treat cataracts, glaucoma, and eye infections. Optometrists also screen for conditions that affect the eyes and vision, including high blood pressure and diabetes.

An optometrist typically:

  • Evaluates a patient’s medical and vision history

  • Educates the patient about eye and vision disease prevention and health

  • Performs a comprehensive eye and vision exam and evaluates blood pressure

  • Performs and interprets specialized eye tests

  • Diagnoses and often treats acute and chronic eye diseases and conditions that affect vision, including eye injuries, vision problems, cataracts, and glaucoma

  • Screens for conditions that increase the risk of eye and vision conditions including diabetes and high blood pressure

  • Prescribes eye glasses, contacts, and certain medications

  • Refers patients to an ophthalmologist for serious eye problems and most eye surgeries

  • Performs laser or glaucoma surgeries in some cases

  • Provides eye and vision care before and after eye surgery

An optometrist may also be known by the following names: eye doctor, vision care specialist, and Doctor of Optometry (OD).

There are 238 specialists practicing Ophthalmology in Lawndale, CA with an overall average rating of 4.1 stars. There are 74 hospitals near Lawndale, CA with affiliated Ophthalmology specialists, including Ronald Reagan UCLA Medical Center, Torrance Memorial Medical Center and Kaiser Permanente South Bay Medical Center.

Frequently Asked Questions

How can I find a top-rated Ophthalmology Specialist in Lawndale, CA?
Healthgrades gives you the tools and information you need to find high-quality care, including top-rated Ophthalmology Specialists in Lawndale, CA. You can filter your search results to a specific Rating threshold, or go to “Top Rated” to quickly view Ophthalmology Specialists with our highest patient ratings.Every Healthgrades profile includes information about the factors that matter most when choosing care, including a Ophthalmology Specialist's education, board certification, and experience. You can even see which specific conditions a doctor treats most often.Healthgrades also spotlights high-quality healthcare professionals by identifying them as “Healthgrades Choice.” This badge indicates that a physician has above average experience, good patient ratings, no healthcare sanctions, and affiliations with quality hospitals.Finally, you can read reviews and ratings from verified patients about their experiences with a doctor.Together, all of these factors provide a comprehensive picture of Ophthalmology Specialists in Lawndale, CA so you can make an informed, confident decision about the care you receive.
How can I share my experience after visiting a Ophthalmology Specialist through Healthgrades?
Patient ratings and reviews are an important tool in helping other people like yourself make informed healthcare choices. If you read patient reviews as part of your decision-making process, you can pay it forward by sharing your own experience with a Ophthalmology Specialist.After your visit, you can visit your Ophthalmology Specialist's profile and go to “Leave a Review.” From here you will be required to provide a star rating from 1 to 5 to reflect how likely you are to recommend that doctor. You can also leave an optional text review about your experience.You will be required to submit your email address so Healthgrades can confirm your review, and you must verify that you received treatment from the physician and agree to Healthgrades terms and conditions.
How can I find a Ophthalmology Specialist in Lawndale, CA who speaks a specific language other than English?
Finding a Ophthalmology Specialist in Lawndale, CA with whom you can communicate effectively is an essential part of finding quality care. You can go to “All Filters” on your Healthgrades search results and scroll to “Language.” From there, you narrow your search to physicians who speak your selected language(s).Healthgrades lets you filter by more than 100 languages, including Spanish, Chinese, Arabic, Hindu, Urdu, Tagalog, and American Sign Language.
How can I find Ophthalmology Specialists within a specific distance from my location?
Go to “Distance” on your Healthgrades search results page and select the distance range you would be willing to travel for your visit, such as 1 miles, 5 miles, 10 miles, 25 miles, 50 miles, 100 miles, or nationwide.You can also go to “Top Rated” to quickly view a list of 4-star and above-rated Ophthalmology Specialists within 10 miles of your selected location.Keep in mind: The right specialist for you may not be among the ones closest to you, and it may be worth expanding your search to find the highest-quality care.
How can I search for Ophthalmology Specialists in Lawndale, CA specializing in a specific sub-specialty or niche area?
After your initial specialty search, Healthgrades allows you to narrow your search to specific conditions or practicing areas within that specialty.On your Healthgrades search results page, go to “Practice Area.” From here you can select specific conditions or subspecialties that more directly reflect the type of care you need.
How can I find Ophthalmology Specialists in Lawndale, CA with availability that aligns with my schedule?
You can filter your Healthgrades search results based on appointment availability, including options such as same-day, tomorrow, or within 2 weeks. Under “All Filters,” scroll to “Availability” and select the appointment timeframe you need.You can also contact a Ophthalmology Specialist's office directly to ask about appointment availability, including same-day availability or unexpected cancellations that may have opened up new appointments in your desired timeframe.
How can I locate Ophthalmology Specialists in Lawndale, CA affiliated with a specific facility or hospital?
Finding a Ophthalmology Specialist in Lawndale, CA with affiliations at high-quality hospitals is key to a successful treatment outcome. Healthgrades lets you filter your search to doctors who have admitting privileges at the hospital(s) you prefer.Go to “All Filters” on your Healthgrades search results, then scroll to “Affiliated Facility.” From here you can select one or more preferred hospitals to narrow your search to specialists with affiliations at those facilities.
How can I find Ophthalmology Specialists in Lawndale, CA who offer LGBTQ+ affirming care on Healthgrades?
Finding a Ophthalmology Specialist in Lawndale, CA who affirms your identity is an essential part of a successful healthcare partnership. For people who identify as LGBTQ+, you can filter your Healthgrades search results to physicians who designate themselves as LGBTQ+ affirming.Go to “All Filters” in your search results, then scroll down and select “LGBTQ+ affirming.”
Is it possible to filter Ophthalmology Specialists in Lawndale, CA based on their age on Healthgrades?
Some people feel more comfortable seeing a Ophthalmology Specialist in a specific age range. You can filter your Healthgrades search results by going to “All Filters,” and then scrolling down to “Healthcare Professional’s Age.” From here, you can select age ranges from under 40, 41-50, 51-60, 61-70, or over 70 years old.
How do Ophthalmology Specialists in Lawndale, CA stay connected with their patients between appointments?
A Ophthalmology Specialist's office in Lawndale, CA may offer a variety of resources for patients who need care or medical advice between appointments. These may include an answering service, nurse or physician assistant helpline, or text support through a patient portal.When scheduling your appointment, or during your visit, ask your Ophthalmology Specialist's office about available care options between scheduled appointments.
How do Ophthalmology Specialists in Lawndale, CA approach patient education and empowerment during appointments?
Each Ophthalmology Specialist has their approach to educating and empowering patients. As a patient, you should feel comfortable asking questions and have confidence in your understanding of the answers. A strong partnership with your Ophthalmology Specialist helps you work together to find a treatment plan that's right for you, which improves the likelihood of a successful outcome.Patient ratings and reviews can be particularly helpful in learning about a doctor's communication style. By reading about other people's experiences with a Ophthalmology Specialist, you can get a sense of how that specialist approaches patient education and empowerment to decide if they're a fit for you.
Can I request electronic prescriptions or medication refills from Ophthalmology Specialists in Lawndale, CA for convenience?
Many medical practices provide electronic prescriptions or medication refills as a quick, convenient way for you to receive your medications. Ask your doctor's office about whether they provide electronic prescriptions or refills, and check with your health insurance provider about prescription services they may offer.
How do Ophthalmology Specialists in Lawndale, CA facilitate seamless transitions of care for patients transitioning between healthcare settings?
If you need to change healthcare settings, such as being discharged from the hospital to a rehabilitation center or transitioning to home care, your team of healthcare professionals will work together to ensure continuity of care. They will communicate your medical records, history, and any other important information to the next care team so everyone can be equipped to provide high-quality care.It is also important that you understand and feel confident about each step of your care. Don't hesitate to ask questions, and offer honest communication with your healthcare professionals so they can tailor your treatment to your needs.
Can I access remote monitoring or telehealth services provided by Ophthalmology Specialists in Lawndale, CA for ongoing care management?
Your Ophthalmology Specialist may recommend that you use new technologies called Remote Patient Monitoring (RPM) to monitor your condition or symptoms between appointments. This may include tracking factors such as your weight, heart rate, blood oxygen level, blood pressure, temperature, or glucose levels. RPM devices can provide real-time updates to your physician or care team so they can keep track of trends or determine if you need more immediate care.During your appointment, ask your Ophthalmology Specialist about the potential use of RPM and the possible benefits for your individual treatment plan.
How do Ophthalmology Specialists in Lawndale, CA address patient feedback and quality improvement initiatives to enhance their practice?
Patient feedback is an important and helpful factor for Ophthalmology Specialists as they work to improve and maintain the quality of their practice. Ratings and comments from patients can provide guidance for office staff, process efficiencies, and physician communication. Healthgrades also publishes hospital quality data and awards the top facilities in the nation as America's Best Hospitals. These data-driven reports help specialists choose affiliations with high-quality hospitals that offer a higher rate of successful outcomes.
What role do Ophthalmology Specialists in Lawndale, CA play in addressing public health challenges and epidemics affecting the local community?
As physicians offering first-hand care to patients, Ophthalmology Specialists have a unique perspective and influence on public health. Routine screenings for diseases or conditions can help prevent more complicated care down the line, reducing the risk of healthcare-associated infection for patients. By counseling patients on preventive lifestyle habits, such as routine exercise and nutrition, doctors can lower the risk of chronic conditions in the population and ease the demand for critical care. Local physicians may also participate in community health programs or offer volunteer care, which helps increase access to healthcare for those who may not otherwise receive it. Through these types of initiatives and others like them, specialists can contribute to their community's overall public health.
What support resources are available for caregivers of patients receiving care from Ophthalmology Specialists in Lawndale, CA?
Acting as a caregiver for a loved one can be a stressful and often emotional role. Caregiver burnout is common, and the challenges of caring for someone with a serious condition may be overwhelming. Fortunately, help is available.Your Ophthalmology Specialist's office in Lawndale, CA may be able to provide information about local support groups for caregivers, or there are several online communities you can access. Local respite services can provide quality, short-term care for your loved one and allow you to take needed time for yourself.Caregivers of veterans enrolled in the Veterans Affairs health system can receive support through the VA, including legal and financial planning services. If your loved one has a disability and already receives Medicaid, your City may allow you to become a paid caregiver. Contact your state's Medicaid office for more information.
What measures do Ophthalmology Specialists in Lawndale, CA take to address patients' financial concerns or facilitate access to affordable healthcare services?
Your Ophthalmology Specialist's office can provide information about financial assistance, which may be referred to as charity care. Some doctor's offices also offer payment plans that allow you to pay your bill over a certain period of time.If you need to receive care at a hospital, you may qualify for financial assistance through that hospital. If you receive care at a non-profit hospital, you must be offered financial assistance if you cannot afford to pay. If you participate in a government program, such as Medicaid or Medicare, those programs' websites can offer guidance about coverage for the care you need.Your hospital may also have a patient advocate on staff who can help guide you through your coverage or your financial assistance options. You can also find your own guide through the Patient Advocate Foundation.
How can patients effectively advocate for themselves during appointments with Ophthalmology Specialists in Lawndale, CA?
It is important to remember that you are a partner with your Ophthalmology Specialist as you find the right treatment plan for you. You have a voice in your healthcare decisions, and it is important to communicate your goals and preferences clearly to get the highest quality of care.Ways to advocate for yourself during appointments include: preparing questions in advance to ask your doctor, bringing someone with you to listen and take notes, asking your Ophthalmology Specialist to clarify when you do not understand something, and being honest when you have concerns.If you are unsure about a recommended treatment, tell your doctor you want to seek a second opinion. A quality Ophthalmology Specialist will not take offense at this; rather, a good doctor wants to get as much information as possible to make the right treatment choice. If your Ophthalmology Specialist does question your interest in a second opinion, it may be a sign that another Ophthalmology Specialist may be a better fit for you.